Whats the story behind Maxbo Thunder? How old was he? Did he die this year? What did he score? Was semen collected? By whome? When?
The reason for all the questions is that I have 2 bucks that I had DNAed and they did not DNA to the AI buck they should have been from or to anything on my farm. DNA Solutions says that they are either from Bomax or Maxbo Thunder. I have no idea why they cannot single it down to 1 buck though. Thanks
I have 2 straws from Thunder Max, a Maxbo Thunder son which scored over 290 @ 2 according to Jason. Maxbo Thunder scored 293.5 B/C and 330 SCI when he died. That is all I know.
Guys, Jason Hirzell at Hunt the Fortress(Gutherie,OK) owned Maxbo Thunder. He was a great looking deer that really produced some nice deer for Jason's preserve. Of course he came from David. So you can contact either of them for more info.