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It is pure economics.  Supply and demand.  The supply is outpacing the demand.  The high end bucks are much more plentiful and becoming mainstream.  To sale them in the quantity being produced the price has to come down to a level more people can afford.  The 200 inch hunts are not that rare anymore.  The 160 to 200 inch hunts will be the norm of the future.

Personally,  I believe it will be good for the industry in the long run.  As the price comes down and the quality remains much higher than free range hunts, the easier it will be to get more people to hunt the preserves.

  It is costly to raise the genetics to a point where you can consistently grow quality deer.  Once you get the genetics to that level you should be able to live breed and keep cost down.  What I think will be harder to sale in the future is semen.  If you are raising deer for shoters, 200 to 250 inches is about all a deer can carry.  if you are raising deer that you have to cut the antlers off of, I hope you can sale semen.  He is worthless as a shooter.

I have reduced the number of deer ai'ed every year.  Next year, it will be only 5% of the does.  The rest will be live bred.
