From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom
March 25, 2014
18pxACA Council Approves Alternative Program Standards Document for Public Comment
18pxChronic Wasting Disease Public Comment Ends Monday, March 31st, 2014
AYR, NE- The American Cervid Alliance Leadership Council convened Monday night to give council members clarity on changes made to industry's comments before the end of the ninety day Chronic Wasting Disease Program Standards comment period on March 31st.
The ACA council leaders approved an alternative program standards document to be submitted on behalf of the American Cervid Alliance. The document was written by industry leaders with significant assistance from Dr Paul Anderson, of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. The motion to accept the document was adopted unanimously by the ACA Council.
Last week, the ACA reviewed two newly created documents to help member associations articulate comments concerning the Program Standards. The industry’s amended edition of Version 23 removes most of the extra language that is not required by the Federal Rule. The ACA council reviewed the industry edition and offered additional suggestions. The council examined the final edition and then met again to vote to endorse the edited document of behalf of the council. During the meeting, two additional changes were made and approved.
Clint Patty, the ACA’s attorney, has endorsed the idea stating "it is important for the industry to offer a solution for the record."
The ACA’s comment will constitute the council-approved edition of the standards as well an outline explaining the changes and related reasoning. ACA Moderator Eric Mohlman advised the member deer and elk associations to encourage their association, directors, and all their members to each submit their own crafted comments for before the deadline.
Laurie Seale, representing Whitetails of Wisconsin, also gave a brief update on the CWD live research that is currently being conducted at the Kansas State University. This research is using a type of nasal swab and is showing excellent results in the laboratory. This test is very easy to use and will be very low cost. They are also working on a tonsil and rectal swab as well. The ACA is currently working with the Braake family and Kansas State University to obtain tissue samples for this research.