fars, in my opinion...and it is my opinion only, $5000.00 is way out of line for an albino fawn. But, I don't have that kind of money to invest, nor is it my passion to have an albino,
Here is the way I think about things. I have a deer farm for ME !! I do this for ME and me only !! If I can make enough money to pay the bills and keep the farm running then so be it. If I can walk out in my pens and not feel disappointed, then that's why I do what I do. If you want albinos then damn it, get your albinos. Enjoy them, breed them and try to make money from them. If it works then wahoo!! If it doesn't work, then you still have memories.
Ten years ago, A LOT of people, and I mean A LOT of people, told me I was crazy for trying to grow trophy piebalds. You know what, I did it. I would like to think that some of the piebald market today, is because of some of the things that I did. BUT, I did it for me and I have no regrets.
Grundy, why would you want to lower your prices to beat someone? To me, this isn't a used car. I am proud of my deer and will not deviate from my price for no one for no reason. If you don't hold your deer to a higher standard, no one else will !!