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Anyone ever sell their antler ?

this is a shed market report from 2008

things are going to be a little different now due to the economy but we still have buyers

shed market report 2008

non L 617/8 R64 5/8 $60

170 4/8 set includes inside $950

L 70 1/8 R 71 $125

190" sheds on plaque $1800

97 1/8 single w/ defect $500

61 1/8 single $70

101 7/8 single repaired $350

87 5/8 single repaired $200

67 2/8 typ single $75

61 7/8 69 7/8 set $100

189 7/8 non typ $1000

80 1/8 single $ 600

993/8 single $950

78 6/8 typ 66 2/8 non $110

197 as is $2800

R 103 7/8 L 115 3/8 $4500

20.8 LB box sheds $250

102" single $1300

1276/8 repaired $850

133 6/8 " single $4000

102 5/8" 98 4/8" $2200

227 7/8 net set $3500

79 6/8 single $120

153" gross typ set $375

R 77 5/8 L 70 4/8 $150

R 76 7/8 L 91 4/8 non typ $450

Mounted on head sheds 208 gross repaired $950

84 4/8 89 7/8 $525

R 80 3/8 L 74 7/8 $225

68 7/8 single single $60

74 6/8 single $90

68 2/8 single $80

150 4/8 net typ set $750

163 4/8 gross 149 4/8 net set $1200

75 7/8 76 3/8 set $150

R 107 4/8 L 90 non typ $900

167 4/8 net non typ $600

193 5/8 net score set $2700

106 6/8 single $2250

80 6/8 non typ single $110

R 85 5/8 L 77 2/8 non typ $400

78 5/8 single $125

76 4/8 single

204" set repaired $1000

80 3/8 73 3/8 non typ $300

90 6/8 single $500

73 4/8 typ single $150

R 72 1/8 L 69 6/8 $200

82 4/8 single $300

159 4/8 net non typ $700

R 70 4/8 L 70 7/8 $225

90 7/8 single $600

84 4/8 79 5/8 set $250

75 3/8 single shed $225

72 3/8 77 5/8 $200

R 85 1/8 L87 collor added $275

174 3/8 net set $500

76 5/8 79 1/8 $375

168 7/8 set net $625

176 gross typ 169 1/8 net typ set $450

R 85 L 87 163 3/8 net non typ $800

80 4/8 single $250

R 87 1/8 L 85 2/8 $675
wish I knew they were worth pretty good money. I've given away a pile of them. I've still got some. How do I get in touch with an auction to sell them and what is the commission. I've got several over 200" that are attached to the head. Dead ones that I've found. Are they wanted? Just let me know