I have insurance through The Farm Bureau also, but I am probably going to drop it. Read the fine print. I my instance my deer have a limit to their value, of $1500 per head, they only wanted to go to $1000, but i got them to raise it. This is for each animal even my breeder buck!? They big draw back i have right now is that they only cover accidental death with limitations. ie... If a dog is chasing the deer on the outside of the fence and the deer hits the fence and kills itself the insurance will not pay. The deer committed suicide the dog didn't physically kill the deer. If a car runs through my fence, and the deer run to the opposite fence and kills itself, and the car didn't actually touch the deer, you guessed it suicide! Now if the dog bites the deer and kills it I get paid for the deer. 2 years ago I had a buck get struck by lightning and they covered that. Like i said find out what is covered before you start paying the premium. They chances of a dog coming by is a lot more practical than lightning striking twice!!