I spoke with these guys, and with Todd Scarberry, whose been using it for 3 years now. He's done a controlled study with his own herd, and the proof of his does health after weaning fawns, and the size of his newest fawn crop has been pretty amazing.
I never look for the next "magic bullet", but I'm trying it right now as we speak and I'll tell you why I'm doing it.....
My feed is only about 500 a ton from ADM, I do add rolled soybeans, probiotics, and have used antler enhancement products in the past. I always grow nice deer, and my customers have always had nice deer out of my herd.
So by using this as my replacement for the beans, probiotics, and antler enhancements, along with my ADM feed, cost wise it, it breaks even.
So if I end up noticing, better overall health, with less consumption then I'll be on board 100%. I'll keep you posted as the year goes on.
My ADM dealer did say this to me......" If it makes you feel better, I'll raise my prices"......lol.....but bottom line is, its gotten some good results from some local deer farmers with 2-3 year studies, and the price per pound/per deer will end up being a wash.......at my farm.
My overall ratio will be about 20 lbs of mass production to about 50 lbs of ADM.