Maxbo King George ?

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I heard of King George, but not Maxbo King George. What was source of hearing of this buck and is it possible the source is incorrect? Eldon
I believe he was a buck from Woodard Whitetails and sold to Mexico, beautiful buck.
Wayne are you meaning maxbo king james.I saw a lot in the pa sale that said the doe they were selling was a womb sister to a maxbo son king james out of texas.Anyone know anything about this deer????
King George was sold to Mexico. I have pics of him from last year and he looks great. Still waiting on photo's from this year. I will be glad to send you the photo's I got from last year. We also have plenty of King George semen if your interested.
Lonehollowwhitetails, Thanks for the reply! if you can tell me more semen,pics,ped and age please! would like more info for sure
Pedigree is Maxbo on the top, FW Woodard Doe 217 on the bottom. She is out of P.B. and Green 72. Green 72 is out of twelve. DNA# for King George is 15182. We do have semen and guarantee it. I will email you some pictures.
I bought some straws of him. Really looking forward to puttin' him into some of my does here!

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