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You know guys ,I don't care what state your farm is in if we don't take some of this bullcrap to a court of law and fight for some rights EVERY state will soon be doomed !  Yes I know we send all sorts of great people to fight (talk) for us but it gets worse and worse and worse with no releif or light at the end of the tunnel . I don't know who in the heck comes up with all these new rulings ever dang year but they got to be nuts and their only intent is to put us out of business !  And I mean EVERY STATE ! I have been preaching some lawsuits for years ans it falls on deaf ears as we keep fooling ourselves that we can talk our way through this crap ...Hey we can't dosen't work ! We have tested the living crap out of our animals , we have had to become secratairies with all the paper work and we damn near have to be a lawyer to follow all the new rulings. When do we stand up and I mean STAND UP and fight this horse manure ?  You can talk all you want when someones shooting at you and your still going to die. It's time for some lawsuits , it's our only way to survive !! 
