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Deer Farmer Forum

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The PA deer Farmers want to say thank you to Andrew Shettler for his donation of the Stihl MS170 Chainsaw to the PA Deer and Outdoor Expo this Saturday at IUP Kolvelchick Center in Indiana PA. How many people could use a new chain saw in preparation of the next winter weather, thanks Andrew.

If you’re looking to choose a chainsaw for work around your home, you’ve come to the right place. For one, it’s hard to imagine a better selection of chainsaws than STIHL. What’s more, many of our chainsaws are German-engineered and built in America.** To help you identify model features, look for these corresponding symbols: C = Comfort feature, B = Quick Chain Adjuster, E = Easy2Start™, and Q = an additional chain braking feature.

You may be surprised to learn that you can own STIHL quality for less than you think. STIHL chainsaws, even those designed for occasional use around the home, come with anti-vibration technology, our STIHL Quickstop® Chain Brake and a Master Control Leverâ„¢, making start-up easy.

If you are looking for something lightweight for use close to the house, check out one of our powerful yet quiet electric chainsaws. They start with just a pull of the trigger.
