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I would love for the TRUE Milo Hanson B&C buck story get out rumored how their "fair chase" involved chasing the buck in a truck through several farm fields for hours.  In ANY book, that is not fair chase.  I've heard bits and pieces of the "hunt" but would enjoy hearing more.  Post if you know!


I found this quote off a Africa hunting site and am reminded how this high-fence "stigma" does not seem to travel across the ocean...


"There are several things to consider when you are booking your first trip to South Africa. I’ll start with the one of the misconceptions that I come across all the time when working with clients. Ninety-nine percent of South Africa hunting is behind high-fence.   (34,30,31)For many hunters, including myself,  (34,30,31)Africa is their first high-fence hunting experience. Know this; with high-fence properties that have over 2-3,000 acres with hilly terrain and decent cover the fence becomes a moot point in terms of the “fair chase.â€� The animals still have the advantage and it will be a challenging hunt. The fences in Africa are there to keep quality animals in, densities high, and poachers and predators out. It is not about “canningâ€� a hunt for you to open. It’s about predictable trophy quality and numbers of critters."


 (34,30,31)or how about this...


 (34,30,31)" (0,0,0);  Cape Town - A new South African record price of R40 million has been set for a single buffalo.  (0,0,0);  Rubin Els, general manager of Thaba Tholo, a reserve north of Thabazimbi in Limpopo, confirmed the sale of 10-year-old Mystery, on Wednesday night.  (0,0,0);  Mystery measures 1.34m high.  (0,0,0);  Another bull, Leba – he measures just under 1.16m but is only four years and four months old – was sold for R22.5m.  (0,0,0);  Both animals are Cape buffaloes and were sold to unnamed buyers from the Eastern Cape."     (0,0,0);  Why were they be used as breeder bulls in the preserves/reserves (whatever..."high fence") to make bigger trophies.


Does Mr. IndyStar Reporter know that his Great Dane down to his tiny Chihuahua all come from the same selective breeding of the same wild WOLF.  One of the strongest producing does back when was "Sugar" -- straight from the hills of Pennsylvania.  How can a son be 6" taller than his dad and maybe a foot taller than his grandpa.... all to do with BETTER NUTRITION, better medications, better environment.  How many of our "freaks" would be nothing more than a 50" yearling fighting off hunters, searching for a small nibble of food here or there.  Put the same deer in with protection, nutrition and calm environment makes all the difference in the world.


My 2c...


