Wed. No Reserve Problems??

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Apr 6, 2009
Central Illinois
Has anyone else noticed any problems with Whitetail Exchange Wednesday Night No Reserve Sales? The past two weeks I have been bidding on items and it freezes up or says the sale has ended and wont let you bid and just seems like there is a overload at that last deadline of the sales. 100 and some items all ending around the same time and people refreshing and bidding on them is screwing things up. I dont know if there should be a longer time period, possibly extend the lots to end within an 8 hour segment instead of all of them aproximately around 7 or 8. Or, Its just my computer. I thought pretty boy floyd sold for 900 last night and then talked to someone else that bid 1100 then heard someone else say it sold for 800. Hopefully we can figure this confusion out. Any comments or suggestions?
I had the same problem in Montana. Emailed Todd about it. He said the server they used was overloaded. He said they will have a new larger server by next Wednesday that will handle all the people on the site.
That sounds like a good deal!! And as for PBF, I know someone that bid 900 and I know someone else that big 1100 so if it went for 850 then they got a deal!!
It also appeared to me that some items just disappeared minutes before their end time.
I know they are doing their best to make the site work for all of us, I can't thank Todd and his staff enough for everything they are doing for all of us, I can put up with some growing pains as well as I'm sure you can too.
I as well had trouble, but VERY frustrating when you bid a lot higher than what the lot sold for and you don’t know what happens. That is not good for the seller either I know one lot in particular that would of went $500 more if his system was working. If I was the seller I would want that extra $500. I can put up with growing pains as well, but at the same time I would like to speak with Todd about my bids and what happened to them. I have called and left 3 different voice mails but no phone calls have been returned.
they should maybe just allow you to put your maximum bid up and just like ebay you will not be outbid until someone else bids higher than your bid. If Im correct they add minutes after each bid I think the bidding should go to a certain time and the person with the highest proxy bid wins just my thought if you put what your willing to pay and noone goes higher than you win if you loose because you wanted to bid again well than you did not bid what you where willing to pay
ekljr said:
they should maybe just allow you to put your maximum bid up and just like ebay you will not be outbid until someone else bids higher than your bid. If Im correct they add minutes after each bid I think the bidding should go to a certain time and the person with the highest proxy bid wins just my thought if you put what your willing to pay and noone goes higher than you win if you loose because you wanted to bid again well than you did not bid what you where willing to pay

I'll have to disagree there. Sure if you're a buyer that's the best way because you can catch someone sleeping and steal an item because someone got a phone call and was distracted, but that doesn't favor the seller. This way gives everyone plenty of time to bid and gives the seller the opportunity to get the most he can get for his straw. The maximum someone is willing to pay can change if they think they just have to go up $50 more and then another $50. That's $100 more in the sellers pocket. I haven't sold anything on there yet, but I like the way it's set up for sellers and buyers.
I have to agree with droptine its fair for both buyer and seller the way everything is set up. Some of us only have dial up takes a little longer to do any thing.I had no problems last week just had to keep refreshing alot.
We have been both the buyer and seller on several items and have had no problems. It is a GREAT tool for all to use. A few (very few) problems will soon be worked out. I too live in a rural area with slow upload time on the sites but we plan ahead and stay on top of what is happening. We were in the running on the Maxin doe last week but was out bid in the end. Whom ever bought her got one hell of a buy!!!! Congrats...... Folks this is the HOTTEST site going for all to enjoy. Good luck

P.S. Todd, thanks to you and your staff for all you are doing for all of us.
Over the last three to four weeks Whitetail Exchange has been experiencing very tremendous growth. We have experienced so much growth that we outgrew our previous server. This was the reason for the slow down on last Wednesday night. As many of you probably saw, this morning we were down for maintenance on the site. The reason for this shut down was to move Whitetail Exchange to a newer, bigger, faster server.

With growth, comes a few growing pains. Hopefully this one is taken care of for good. Richard Mews, our technology manager has been working diligently to get the site moved and on several other new and exciting programs we are going to roll out in the near future. Richard is doing a TREMENDOUS job for Whitetail Exchange and I would like to publicly thank him.

Thank you to everyone for your understanding through this transition. We are making every effort to make Whitetail Exchange the #1 place to market and purchase genetics.
Every thing was backwards for me. Auction started on page 5 and ran from bottom to top. Plus lost page twice rite when lot i wanted was on. I had no problems last week. I'm sure things will be fine this week.
We have corrected this. What happened was the "Sort" order was listing the items in the reverse order.

Thanks for the update/suggestion


Apple Creek Whitetails / Whitetail Exchange
I wish some of the sellers would list where the seman is stored. I have ask a couple times but did not get a responce. Makes you wonder were it is at. Otherwise very good sale.
I wish they would just show the highest bid so we wouldnt have to waste time rebidding based on the highest bid shown, only to find out the bid wasnt high enough.
Steve, It is "proxie bidding". Do a search on it. I did not know either when it started.

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