I don't want to frighten anyone, but with the warm winds blowing, at least here in Texas. I remember last year, when warm/strong winds out of the South brought in an early onset of EHD. 2011 was a year for the record books and one nobody wants to go through again. EHD hit already weak deer, plagued by heat and drought conditions. This affected their ability to fight off infection as their immune systems were under attack, and the mortality rate was astounding. If you're in an area with unseasonably warm temperatures and Southern winds, pay attention to insect populations. If you would like to help us and our efforts to help other deer breeders. We will be sending out an email, in the next day or two, sign up to receive alerts. When we hear of EHD being discovered, we will notify our subscribers. If you catch it early, it's your best chance at saving them.
We wish everyone the best in 2012, stay tuned for some exciting news about NAWPS and our offerings. We have a major improvement to announce. Rather than an email that's too long, it will be broken into two segments.
We wish everyone the best in 2012, stay tuned for some exciting news about NAWPS and our offerings. We have a major improvement to announce. Rather than an email that's too long, it will be broken into two segments.