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Hi Russ,

As you may remember, I have been running a hunting ranch for several years.  The numbers are terrible,  IE... If I own the land,  and can bring in $100k in hunting revenue,  I can buy the deer for $50k,  have expenses in the $35k range,  and work my tail off for $15k.  If I own the land. On my last place, I had 2 200 inch bucks that ran with the rest of the deer.  I sold the hunts at the same price as a 150 ($5000).  I was able to get some repeat business, but eventually, the numbers worked so that if I could not raise the deer on my ranch, I could not compete.  But, a lot of hunters want to hunt on 5000 acres or more,  (* at $2000 an acre that is $10M).  And the current television shows and several magazines like Petersons deplore high fencing or more conveniently state that they would only hunt "Fair Chase".  Boone and Crockett will not recognize any game taken on a high fence, but Safari Club has set up some very fair guidelines for ethical hunting on high fenced land. 

All that to say that we have to do a lot if the smaller ranches will be able to bring in higher prices clientele. Since most do not have lodging to compete with 4 star hotels,  they have to offer a much better product at a more competitive price. I think that the way to win is along your lines.  We need more hunters in the game.  Also, we need to define "trophy" as what the hunter wants and not as a 200 inch buck that most hunters cannot possibly afford. 

This is not a whine.  I need to bring in around $200k in hunts to pay for expenses and make any kind of living.  Or, I lease the land for cattle or sheep and make around $15k per year with a lot less headache and offer open range hunts for $1500 and no expenses.  The larger deer are the attraction, so I have opted for better deer and a fence.  I am starting a new ranch, and will be buying bred does, bucks and getting another quality herd started either in 2010 or 2011 depending on the economy.  I also have to rid the land of common predators and lower quality deer. 

If we can grow the number of hunters for trophy deer significantly,  that tide will raise all of the boats in the harbor.  And we all will benefit. 

Other comments

1) I fight with B+C every chance I get due to their views on a fence.

2) Same for rocky mountain elk

3) Same for Peterson  and other rags that only support "fair chase"

4) I support Safari Club.

5) I give away charity hunts just for the goodwill.

And I would be interested in supporting your idea.  In fact, I am in high tech and we can look at production costs for a show.  Believe it or not, they have come way down with the advent of high definition cameras and even some ESPN extreme sports shows are shot with only companies of 2-3 people. At the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) show this year, I met a company that shoots extreme skiing.  3 people for the entire company and they shoot several hundred hours every year.  Some of the footage is packaged into shows and some is stock for movies and the like. 

If any of you are interested in pushing this along,  please respond back here, and we may be able to shoot footage this season.   Costs are travel and such, but I can get the editing and camera work done fairly inexpensively.


