Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. D

    Federal court charges and people, who were charged, found guilty and paid $15,000 fines

    Hey folks here is a new homework assignment for you.  Lets see who is first to look up federal court documents in KY regarding people involved with the former Game Trails hunting property in Sturgis Ky that qdma was also involved with . Guess whos names showed up. ??? You have your assignment...
  2. Honey Creek Whitetails

    Win $25,000

    We will be adding a $10,000 bonus to the largest yearling in 2016 after the 15th straw is sold.   Cowboy is producing some outstanding yearlings and 2 year olds with limited breeding.   To reserve your straw all is needed is a $500 deposit.
  3. 400CLUB


    The owner of the biggest Matt yearling buck in the fall of 2016 will be awarded $8,000!  This contest is limited to 20 straws.  $500/straw.  The straw can be split as many times as you'd like.  Email [email protected] with orders or any questions.
  4. W

    $20,000 CASH PRIZE @ Top 30

    We are very excited to be offering 4 $5000.00 prizes at the Top 30 Auction this January, which can be used to purchase any Animal at the Auction. The money MUST be used on a Deer or multiple Deer consignments, semen lots and food at the auction are not eligible. There is one catch, you MUST be...
  5. R

    1,000,000 Pedigree Milestone Reached!

    1,000,000 Pedigrees Viewed!!! A Special Thanks to all the Deer Farmers who helped Whitetail Quest reach over 1,000,000 Pedigrees Viewed today! Deer farmers who are not currently members of Whitetail Quest can sign up for FREE and list as many breeder bucks as they choose. I hear from deer...
  6. K

    Need 20,000 to 40,000 lbs of venison

    Looking for a container load, 20 to 40 thousand pounds. We need the muscle meat, Mechanically Deboned Meat, pet grade is fine. Frozen raw blocks, palletized, stackable. Can anyone help me? Thanks Karl