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  1. Four Seasons Whitetails

    Whats you thoughts on cwd action?

    Found this on another website. It seems some states use their head to a point(Min) and others just dont get it after cwd free for 12 years(Ny) Minnesota John Weiss: With every test passed, CWD zone is no more ??? margin:0px 0px .75em;(51,51,51);Georgia, serif;small;background-(221,221,153)...
  2. T

    Overview of ACA’s Action Dealing with CWD Standards

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom September 4, 2013 Overview of ACA’s Action Dealing with CWD Standards Voting History Offers Clarity on Council’s Decisions on Record To bring cervid breeders up to date on past actions of the American Cervid Alliance, a concise recap of the...