
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    Wound advise needed

    1) What do you thing caused the wounds? Initially I thought a coyote or dog because of the location. However, with the vertical scratches, I wonder if it could have been caused in a scuffle with another doe. Several does just birthed fawns and they can be very territorial and cranky. 2) How...
  2. B

    In need of fawn health advise asap

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I’m a new deer mother and I have a boy fawn, who’s been pretty healthy for the last 5 weeks we had him. Then he stopped drinking his milk and was drinking more water instead, so we didn’t offer him milk for the last two days. He also loved to go...
  3. P

    Land o Lakes Does Match ? - 🙏PLEASE Advise 🙏

    Hello, I have a 4 - 5 week old orphaned fawn who i am caring for. The people who brought her to me had her on Land O Lakes Does Match. Please let me know if this is ok or if I should change her diet. She has been taking three 12 oz bottles a day and is now drinking water and...
  4. J

    Emergency! Please advise!

    1 yr old white tail buck was fine yesterday no issues this morning he was down cannot get up staring off into space and very wobbly. no apparent weight loss in good condition please advise??
  5. D

    fawn not eating, need advise

    small ( 25#) two month old buck fawn, has been very aggressive on the bottle till Sunday noon feed. He refused the bottle after mouthing the nipple. He refused night feed also.    Slightly bloated. I'm thinking Clostridia Put him up in stall, 3cc CD&T, 3cc bloat meds. He drank 2/3 bottle out...
  6. D

    Dead buck...any advise?

    I just found one of my 2 year old bucks dead. I am not sure what happened to him. He is still in with several other bucks and thought maybe he was gored. He does have one puncture wound on his front leg. But could not see any other signs of injuries. He must have just died this morning and...
  7. J

    New here and could use advise

    Hello, I've been reading/lurking this forum for a little over a year. I've finally taken the plunge and decided to get a deer. I would like a doe fawn to raise as a family pet, then maybe expanding. I don't know, we'll see how it goes. So far, I have drill stem to use as post's. I...
  8. W

    Valbazen advise

    Was going to worm with valbazen. Not so sure now. I've heard, or read not during the first 45 days or last 45 days of pregnancy. I've also read, not at all on pregnant does. Any thoughts?? Was also wandering,most likely for future use, what dosage are you giving them?? Thanks.
  9. S

    Need Advise on Meds

    I have an older doe that has a hard swelling at the base of her jaw near where her cheek muscle would be. Could this be lump jaw? How do you treat lump jaw? I have a fawn with an infected ear from it's ear tag. Which antibiotic will work best? I have Tetradure, Nuflor and Draxxin...
  10. V

    Need Advise On A Yearling Doe sneezing

    I got a yearling doe that sounds like she is sneezing now and then for the last 2 days and when she is browsing she kinda sniffs with her nose. Almost like a person with a stuffy nose. I don't know what is causing her to do this, the other doe she is with doesn't have these symptoms. Besides...
  11. T

    Need advise on hurt leg!!!

    Hey any help is appreciated on this! I have never had this happen and this doe started this swolen leg about 2 weeks ago and it just keeps getting worse. What meds would you guys reccomend? I have done La200 but dont know if we should put her down and lance it. She is not limping or acting like...