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  1. T

    AGN Bam Bam questions

    Anyone know of any sons out of AGN Bam Bam? I have a 2011 buck out of Bam Bam and a Maxbo Extreme doe, and I am just wanting to know how he is producing "IF" he is producing. Pics would be great! Thanks
  2. ohdeer

    AGN Bam Bam

    In memory of Bam Bam. Looking balanced and amazing this year. I spoke with Mike today and expressed our condolences to him and Sam as well... Should be a picture attached here. We had loads of pics of AGN bucks on file, as AGN was featured in this issue of Deer Tracking. We worked closely...
  3. B

    AGN BamBam

    Here is another deer making a possible run at the world record. We purchased him from Mike Nedry at the top-30 last year. He was 341" @ 2, then he got sick. he was 349" last year @, 4 and looks well over 400" this year. He looks about 200" on the borws alone! He is much bigger than last year (If...