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  1. H

    Clostridium C & D Antitoxin- where to get it?

    Anyone know where we can get our hands on a bottle of the C&D Antitoxin? We have a fawn rehab and everywhere I look its sold out! Our vet is trying to get us a bottle as well but thought I'd ask here!
  2. H

    clostridium antitoxin

    Is there any harm in giving c&d antitoxin to a fawn that turns out not to have clostridium? I was thinking one of my fawns had it (went off bottle, lethargic, grinding teeth), and treated with 0.1 cc banamine and 0.1cc draxxin (not sure what was wrong and its what I had on hand). Now she is up...
  3. M

    How many cc's of (Alpha-7) and (Bo-se injection) and C&D antitoxin per new born fawn?

    Just got my meds in for the Fawning Season, just wondering how much med to give? maybe not all three......Thanks !!!
  4. richie0033

    C&D Antitoxin help

    when and how much of this do you give? I have never gave this before and it just came in. I have a 3 day old fawn, can I give it to her now?? Thank all of you for your help