Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I’m a new deer mother and I have a boy fawn, who’s been pretty healthy for the last 5 weeks we had him. Then he stopped drinking his milk and was drinking more water instead, so we didn’t offer him milk for the last two days. He also loved to go...
Make a long story short we had someone (still trying to find out who) break into our pen well we were gone for xmas. My buck was gone and had the sheriff out to fill out a report and figured who ever did it shot him and took him. Turns out they just broken into the pen and left it for them to...
I am need of a 5 dose bottle of pmsg by Monday morning I live in southern north Dakota I am currently in Denver Colorado . If any body knows were I can get some would be a lot of help.
I have a 6 week old fawn I have been bottle feeding since day 1. He has been doing great. Last night he did not act hungry and would not take a full bottle. This morning I got him to take a half bottle, but he seemed fine though. This evening I went to feed him and he is panting and can't...
Hi there. I haven't posted in a while, as everything has been going great o the deer farm. But in the past 4 days we have lost 2 fawns that we are bottle feeding. A quick history: we pulled 3 fawns to bottle feed this year at approx 48 hrs after birth...to ensure colostrum. All 3 took to the...
We have two whitetail fawns and ones a doe and one is a buck and they are about 5 days old. We have been bottle feeding them and they only take 2 - 3 ounces of food at a feeding. The doe was doing okay yesterday up walking around and the buck just kept walking in circles and both got two shots...
Hi everyone. I have to tranq a fawn in the morning and my vet would not give me rompun, as he said it will kill fawns and adults if hit in the wrong spot. He won't take any of my advice on doses, meds etc. My wife went to pick up the drug today and he didn't tell her the name of it and I haven't...
Looking for a 2011 picture of rolls royce asap for the mdba auction catalog. Please email to [email protected].
If you know the "specifics" of rolls royce, please send that with the email also!
Just a little background. This doe fawn was born on May 22nd. She was a triplet and was about 5lb at birth. She ate real good up until the begining of this week. She was still really wanting to eat but she got the runs pretty bad, so I took her off of milk and was feeding electrolites for the...
I know this is a long shot being 4am.. but....We have a doe that had two fawns around 2am. she has a sac (not sure if correct term) out of her back end like she trying to have another one..... It's pouring the rain here about 60 degrees... We are not sure if we should try helping her out and...
I was wondering what is the best way of putting tags into 1 week old fawns ? I have the ear gun tagger this is my first time taging and was wondering how bad this hurts the fawns using it . Also i have 2 tame does that need new tags put in do you have to put them down to tag them ? Please advise...