
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. J

    Blue mountain bill?

    Anyone know much about blue mountain bill? Was he a good producer? If so you have any pics of his sons? I have a grandson out of him. He is my first buck. He was 147in yearling. Ready to see what he does this year.
  2. B

    Rolex and blue mountain bill /cardiac kid

    I just received my doe fawn from a Rolex on blue mountain bill(x-factor pedigree) doe that was bred to cardiac kid. Does anyone have these lines or close to it with pictures of what they have gotten from that combo? Just curious to see if anyone has crossed those lines and gotten from a doe or...
  3. allenb

    West Virginia needs your help for Senate Bill 237

    Hey fellow farmers, WV needs some help with calls to Governer Tomblin's office, for support of Senate Bill 237 (Captive Cervid Farming Act) No matter what state you are from. We have been stifled for so long, this would be a Great opportunity for us all. The number is 304-558-2000.  Please make...
  4. allenb

    West Virginia Senate Bill 237

    The WV Senate and the House of Delegates have overwhelming PASSED SB237 to move the oversight of Deer Farming in West Virginia from the Dept.of Natural Resources to the Dept. of Agriculture and it awaits the Governor’s Signature. Please keep us in prayer , and thanks for any support.   Allen  
  5. T

    New Jersey Bill A-2903 move Deer Farmers to Dept. of Ag.

    (20,24,35); 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, Assembly Bill A-2903 would move the jurisdiction of deer farming from the NJDEP to the NJ Department of Agriculture. This bill was held today due to some opposition. It will be heard on February 23rd. Please contact your assembly members in New...
  6. jerrilee cave

    2nd Indiana preserve bill introduced SB404

    Attached in the downloads is a 2nd preserve bill (SB404) introduced in Indiana.  This is basically the same bill that IDEFA presented 2 years ago that Senator Long killed after it passed the house.  One drawback is it does not grandfather in the original 12 preserves that were shut down. The...
  7. jerrilee cave

    Indiana 2014 preserve bill

    The following is a synapsis of the 2014 preserve bill.  PLEASE READ THE FULL VERSION IN ITS ENTIRETY in the downloads section this bill would put the existing 4 preserves out of business because there is no grandfather and they are all less than 200 acres and the preserve is to be fenced...
  8. T

    Farm Bill Fails
  9. R

    Incredi bill ranger

    I wondering if anyone has any semen out of incredi bill ranger. If you have any for sale let me know Thanks
  10. T

    New Jersey Deer Farmers Bill to move to Ag

    The New Jersey Deer Farmers Bill to move from Fish and Wildlife to the Department of Agriculture passed the Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee today with a unanimous vote. Now on to the General Assembly in Mid-May. We would ask anyone who resides in NJ to contact their assembly...
  11. clay

    what is the story behind redoy bill

    Just wanting to know the story and how he is related to redoy ben and ratchet
  12. S

    House Bill no. 545

    Has anyone read House Bill no. 545?
  13. A

    Indiana is Introducing a Bill to Allow High Fence Preserves again

    Currently there is a bill to allow high fenced preserves again into Indiana. However the general public is causing a lot of up roar over this. One of the piece of 'evidence' that has been presented as to why they should not be allowed is this video. Any suggestions...
  14. S

    Update on Mississippi's Deer Farming Bill

    The bill was discussed in front of the House Wildlife and Fisheries Committee. Proponents of the deer industry did an excellent job answering questions. Special thanks to Bill Holdman, Tommy Snell, Charles Clearman, Hamilton Lemoine, Bob Hebert and Anthony Vitale. The bill was referred to a...
  15. M

    Bill introduced to Michigan State House

    Bill # 5807 was introduced into the Michigan State house on Feb.11 and sent to committee. This bill proposes to place administration of the cervid act back to the Michigan Deptartment of Agriculture. Thank you Alex Draper for your years of tireless effort to make this happen thanks also, to the...
  16. South Alabama Whitetails

    The Man with the Plan - Bill Cosby

    If only it could be this simple. BACK TO CASH AND CARRY WOULD HELP ALSO! Bill Cosby has a great way of "distilling" things. Looks like he's done it again! AMERICA NEEDS A CANDIDATE WITH THIS PLATFORM!! I HAVE DECIDED TO BECOME A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT IN...
  17. S

    Mississippi has bill to open up deerfarming

    Mississippi SGRA Members and Friends, We are poised to achieve a major milestone in our effort to bring Mississippi into the deerfarming world. The bill SGRA sponsored this year in the legislature was debated in committee today and will be put to the floor for a vote this week. If you want...
  18. B

    Maxbo/BM Bill or Rolex/BM Bill??

    Wich would yall choose....Maxbo/BM Bill OR Rolex/BM Bill