
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    ACA Granted USAHA Board of Directors Seat!

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom 10/21/2013 American Cervid Alliance Granted USAHA Board of Directors Seat Laurie Seale named Interim ACA Representative San Diego- Monday, October 21, 2013, the American Cervid Alliance was unanimously approved as a full voting member and allied...
  2. Jack

    Petition NADEFA board

    I don't know about the rest of you guys but I don't have time to email all of the people on NADEFA's board. I'm sure they all read this forum or have friends that do on the board. So here goes and I hope this list will be long and firm enough for the NADEFA board to realize the members don't...
  3. richie0033

    New NADEFA board members?

    I got a letter in the mail and voted for some new board members..Have they released the names who won or is it still being counted?
  4. Russell

    Indiana State Board of Animal Health News

    Message from the State Veterinarian As the New Year begins, my staff and I reflect back on a very busy 2010, that was teeming with challenges on all fronts. Last year began with all eyes on the budget. Like other state agencies, we were working to trim our budget in the face of lagging...
  5. Russell

    Indiana State Board of Animal Health News

    AS OF September 1, 2010, state-inspected meat plants are no longer accepting farmed cervid chronic wasting disease (CWD) samples for animals that die on-farm. Deer and elk heads can still be sampled through Purdue’s diagnostic laboratory, by sending the head to another diagnostic laboratory, or...
  6. Russell

    Indiana State Board of Animal Health News

    Companion Animal Reminder to all veterinarians, the National Veterinary Accreditation Program has changed. As of February 1, 2010, veterinarians can now be accredited into two different categories, instead of one, based on the species veterinarians will work with. Anyone accredited before...
  7. Russell

    Indiana State Board of Animal Health news

    TEST RESULTS from samples collected from hunter-harvested Indiana deer as part of the bovine tuberculosis (TB) surveillance program last fall have all arrived. Successfully, all 375 samples submitted had a negative culture. This information is very reassuring to Indiana hunters and cattle...
  8. A

    NAEBA Board Meeting Minutes

    Minutes from the past NAEBA Board Meetings have been posted in the NAEBA Private Forum for members only.