
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Deer Whisperer

    For Sale Deer Whisperer Book

    Reduced price from $14.95 down to $10.00 for paper back book. Harold and wife Sally tell about the 31 years they have been raising whitetails in Northern Michigan. We write about the many trials and tribulations of raising brown, white and albino deer. Raising deer is not as easy as most people...
  2. Deer Whisperer

    For Sale Deer Whisperer book

    Harold and his wife Sally tell about the 31 years they have been raising whitetails with five fawns born in 2017 and bottle feeding two of them. We write about the many trails and tribulations of raising brown , white and albino deer. Raising deer is not as easy as most people think , but there...
  3. Deer Whisperer

    For Sale Deer whisperer book

    Harold Kriesche and his wife Sally tell about the 30 years they have been raising whitetails with five fawns born in 2017 and bottle feeding two of them. We write about the many trails and tribulations during the first 25 years of raising brown, white and albino deer. Raising deer is not as...
  4. Deer Whisperer

    For Sale Deer Whisperer Book

    Harold Kriesche writes about the many trails and tribulations he and his wife Sally endured during the 29 years raising brown,white and albino whitetails. Raising deer is not as easy as most people think. There is a lot of satisfaction raising deer but also comes with a few heart aches. A...
  5. C

    Deer Farmer's Cook Book

    Hello everyone, I am currently developing “The Deer Farmer’s Cook Book” and I am taking submissions for possible inclusion. I am looking for folks to submit their farms signature dish. It can really be anything, not only venison recipes although they are more desirable since this book is for...
  6. D

    looking for a good book

    On getting semen out of a dead deer.
  7. T

    the book Obama is reading

    The name of the book Obama is reading is called: The Post-American World, and it was written by a fellow Muslim. "Post" America means the world After America ! Please forward this picture to everyone you know, conservative or liberal. We must expose Obama's radical ideas and his intent...
  8. K

    New al. Hunting preerve - what is the best way to book hunts?

    We plan to offer 10 whitetail and 10 fallow deer hunts this year. This is our first year offering hunts. What is the best way to book hunts? Thanks Karl Keller [email protected]
  9. W

    FACE BOOK - Another way to promote and keep in touch.

    Face Book, in addition to Quest and Da Buck Channel, is another way we can promote out Farms. Join Warren Whitetails on Face Book and see whats going on!!