
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    Taking a break!

    My wife and I are going to take a short break from deer farming until we get moved and our daughter’s health is under control. We have given our deer all good homes until we start back up. We still have a couple of stockers that will be for sale this next year. We kept MDF Hank for ourselves...
  2. D

    wind break

    I am fencing in 3 acres and will have 5 large 20 ft. blue spruces in the pens for shade and wind break in the winter .Do you ever put more in for any other get away routs or hiding places for fawning. Was also thinking " I know there ya go thinking again" about tying old christmas...
  3. U

    Making a wish to fish: Families get a break from hospitals and hardships for a day on

    Making a wish to fish: Families get a break from hospitals and hardships for a day on the lake By Alan Rogers, The Southern Monday, August 17, 2009 11:50 PM CDT WHITTINGTON - At age 7, Dawson DeCap has already overcome a lifetime's worth of adversity without complaint, but he still wasn't...