
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. D

    Loud breathing and tremoring

    Hi, fairly new to deer rehabing. We currently have twins that were abandoned after their mom was killed by a car. Need help trouble shooting. They are approximately 1.5-2 weeks old. We have had them for 4 days. Deer 1- female, temp is 99.8. Good energy level. Consistently going to the...
  2. M

    Please help, Breathing weird

    Please help, our little baby we’ve been raising this past 5 months has developed a issue. Last night we noticed he looked alittle bloated but that’s normal when he drinks to much milk. Today he has developed a noise while breathing. Almost like he can’t take deep breaths, really quick breaths...
  3. B

    fawn rapid breathing

    found a 3 week old fawn with lacerations and two broken legs. the vet gave her back to us about a week ago and she was pooping normally up until 2 days ago. at first she was pooping solids and then it turned greener and now she has diarrhea. we did switch her formula though and i heard that...
  4. P

    buck breathing

    I have a two year old buck that lastely has started breathing really raspy. He doesnt cough or even sneeze just makes noise when he breathes. I have darted him probably 5 or 6 times with exceed and baytril and no change. Do you think he is actually sick or is he just going to be like this? I had...
  5. J

    Fawn heavy breathing

    Looking for some thoughts on a doe fawn I'm working on right now. About three weeks ago she seemed to be breathing heavy so thought pneumonia so treated her with Draxxin and Nuflor, her breathing got better but she got loose stools on us (think gave a little too much of antibiotics). Put her on...
  6. T

    Hard breathing doe

    We have a doe that sounds like she can't get enough air in her lungs. It is very loud. She had this before, treated and it went away for about 3 months. She is eating, drinking, and very alert. Almost sounds like her nose is blocked. Haven't put her down again yet so I'm not sure. Last...
  7. D

    breathing funny

    I have a doe that is breathing funny it sounds like a light growl when she exhales i had to dart and treat her on the 10th and i did it again 7 days later due to an eye problem i gave her 10cc pen. 2cc banimine 7 cc b complex 7 cc batril 2 cc draxin do i need to give her anything for the...
  8. 1

    Help!! Fawn is breathing funny

    I have a fawn that is breathing slow and very heavy. What is wrong with him. I watered him down with water,cause i thought maybe he got too hot,but he still was doing it after i watered him down. Gave him 8 tenths cc of Draxxin. Is there anything else that i can do for him. I dont want to lose...