
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Padencreek

    Typical 2 Year Old / Full Brother to Lake Effect

    I think I've decided to sell this buck. He has a great pedigree and is full brother to my breeder, Lake Effect. I'm confident that he'll get much bigger at three. I'd love to see a farm just starting out buy him for a back-up back but I can't choose who purchases him or what they do with him...
  2. Wicked Whitetails

    Griffith brother selling out

    Did anyone else get the flyer about Griffith brothers selling both the ranch and their breeding operation?
  3. U

    Brother and sister harvest their first deer!

    Brother and sister harvest their first deer on opening morning of our 3rd IL Hunt! Emily got a 5 pointer and Brice got a spike. These awesome kids with the USSA have harvested 16 deer so far on three Illinois groups hunts. Stay tune as the last hunt continues... God bless! Brigid O'Donoghue
  4. R

    Breeding brother and sister???

    I was wondering if its bad to breed a brother and sister? Same sires but different dams... Example G36 daughter bred to G36 son New Image or should I skip a year and breed to Cardiac Kid if I can get semen? Thanks for the help Im a new deer farmer
  5. D

    Aftershock-Redline's womb brother

    Puple 35 had twin buck fawns in 2008, Redline and his womb brother. While Redline grew to be one of the largest framed yearlings ever in 09, his wombmate damaged his rack and the antlers had to be removed because of infection. This year White 1 tuned it on @ 2 and scores an est. 275" and has an...
  6. S

    Prayers needed for Shelly's brother

    My brother was on his way to Sturgis on Thursday when he lost consciousness while driving his motorcycle going approximately 40 miles per hour. He was airlifted from Pierre, SD to Rochester, MN late last night. Please pray for a full recovery.