
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Rickjcr

    To test or not to test. T&B

    Have a small farm in western Pa. total of nine deer will be up for Brucellosis and Tuberculosis testing for the first time this fall. I will possibly have some decent bucks in the future but nothing spectacular. Looking for opinions. Is it worth keeping up the certifications?
  2. T

    MAJOR VICTORY for Cervid Industry on Brucellosis Testing Requirements

    From the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom October 23, 2013 Major Victory for Cervid Industry on Brucellosis Testing Requirements USAHA Resolution Adopted to Urge USDA & States to Eliminate Brucellosis Requirements for Whitetail Deer & Mule Deer SAN DIEGO- During the final day of the...
  3. H

    TB & Brucellosis Testing Tomorrow

    Our testing starts tomorrow:eek:. Wish us luck. Will not take long only 4 yearling deer. Been practicing with the dart gun in the pen. They do not even flinch anymore. Will only have to dart the buck. Big difference between shooting the Block and pulling the trigger for the first time...