
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. C

    Look at what Bullet Proof did for this doe....

    I bought a 9 yr old doe last fall. I just picked her up in May after she fawned. The farm I got her from called in April and told me she had some lumps on her throat. (She has always had a problem with feed/grass building up on the sides of her mouth, you can see the stretched skin on her...
  2. D

    Deepwoods Bullet

    Bullet score 258 5/8 BC. at 4 has 30" & 31 4/8" Main Beams, 17 3/8 & 18 4/8 G/2 , 22 " ins spread , 6X7, Vegas on top and Maxin and Walk Mag on bottom
  3. I

    Bullet last year @ 3

    This is a mount of Bullets Sheds from last year @ 3. I recently mounted for Steve and Faye Thayer. Bullet is a Vegus/Pa Geronimo on top of Max Doe, the bottom side is Maxian and Walks Mag. Bullet measurments are 22" inside spread and 16" G-2s. Any questions about Bullet - ask Steve...
  4. S

    Dodged bullet , just flesh wound.....

    Well , I can now post this. Last Monday ,sometime, we had high winds that blew open a gate that is spring closed with a hook latch that didn't get hooked after going in and out several times on Sunday. All of my walk through gates have heavy springs (18 inches and 1" plus diameter ) attached to...