
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. F

    whats the market

    Hello I am a soon to be deer farmer. I am thinking of going after the shooter buck market. My goal will be 150-180" deer. Want big wide heavy tall typicals. Pretty common want I think. My first question is what is the demand for shooters in todays market? I want to make some money not just have...
  2. IndependenceRanch

    Caution to buyers

    Last night while working I was thinking about the deer industry. Somewhere around Pakistan I started thinking how there are so many extra does on the market now. And what this really means to buyers. I would like to caution people who are thinking about buying does. Because they are so cheap...
  3. Reed68

    Oklahoma RDM Hefty buyers?

    The semen that Dennis sold, to be collected, will be stored in his personal tank. Ist here any of you that have an account at REI that wants to go in together on a tank to send from REI to get it. That way we are not sending several different tanks, and it will be cheaper?
  4. S

    Shooter buyers take a peek

    190's 6x7 Will deliver in Missouri 573-517-1865 Jeff or [email protected]