
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    What are the rules on buying deer for bettering genetics

    I know this might be an obvious question, but I can't find an answer anywhere. Can someone buy deer from a Pennsylvania Farm just to better their genetics on their non high fenced hunting grounds? Or to buy deer do you need some kind of permit and need a high fence area?
  2. P

    Fawn expired after this morning after buying

    First we picked up two bred does from a farm a couple hours away, then we picked up a fawn and bred doe from another farm close by. They were all darted with BAM, put in the trailer and we woke them back up. Went out this morning and fawn doe was laying in the barn, couldn't get up, breathing...
  3. B

    Buying Bucks

    I have a buddy who just started a hunting ranch last year and we’re looking for farms to buy shooters from consistently, no brokers, no middle men just direct from farm to ranch. We’re looking to build relationships with farms to make buying and selling much easier and less stressful for all...
  4. W

    buying large antlers also top 30

    We also buy large antlers and matching sheds Email pics or scores of bucks to [email protected] Or call 330-231-4282
  5. IndependenceRanch

    Curiosity about buying plans post EHD

    A post in another discussion has my mind wondering what folks would say to the following questions. Assuming YOUR FARM incurred losses this year associated with EHD, will YOU be buying deer to replenish YOUR HERD? As a follow up question. If you are looking to replenish your herd in some way...
  6. D

    buying a deer

    Hello all I am thinking about buying a deer and any info is helpful like do I need x amount of acres per deer that kind of stuff any advice is appreciated
  7. B

    Anyone planning on buying a Stealth Electric hunting buggie

    Well with alot of ranch owners wanting something quiet for there hunters . How many of you guys plan on buying a electric vehicle this year ?
  8. J

    question about buying semen

    I was looking at semen on whitetail exchange i have never bought any before , but i was wondering when i do will i need a tank of my own or will the sellers store it until i am ready for it or how does that usually work . Thanks jamie
  9. O

    how can you trust your buying an "bred doe"??

    How can you trust your buying a bred doe and she infact will get pregnant?
  10. B

    Bad luck, and nervous about buying more deer!

    This is the first time I have posted on this site since I lost most of my deer. I am thinking about getting more deer, but the past still haunts me as I truly never found out what killed my deer. I was hoping that maybe someone else had had a similar incident in the last 2 years and maybe they...
  11. A

    How do I know who to trust when buying semen?

    I'm just getting started and need to know is there any way to verify prior to purchase the semen are from the buck as advertised. It seems very easy to con someone without verification.
  12. D

    Buying from auctions whats the answer?

    I'm not sure what the answer is but I do think we as consumers need to be very wise and knowledgable when spending our hard earned dollars at auctions. Just being in the Whitetail auction world for a couple years now I've learned about all the slick twists and turns that go on at the...