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  1. J

    Fawn won’t calm down

    Hey guys I’ve got two fallow fawns both about two weeks old. First one started taking the bottle properly after a day or so and is completely tame, second one we took her when she was two days old and she’s never calmed down from the start, she’s ok around children and will follow them but...
  2. H

    mixing mag ox in doe feed to calm during AI

    Has anyone mixed mag ox ( magnesium oxide) with their doe feed to calm them during the ai process?
  3. F

    Want To Buy bottle fed bucks any age

    I need bottle fed bucks-- these guys are going to basically just be pets. Does anyone have any here in Ohio they would be willing to sell? Must be from CWD TB certified farm. Bloodlines do not matter. Good personalities do. We handle our deer regularly, and people visit our farm often. Thanks in...