
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    hello from Canada

    Hi there from the great white neighbour to the north! SE British Columbia Canada to be precise. Not a deer farmer yet, but planning to be in the next few years. Mainly Fallows(can keep them under game-farming permit), maybe Red stags or Nilgai(if someone at the F&G would get back to me on are...
  2. Russell

    New Zealand and Canada Cervid Industries

    Here is a comparison of the New Zealand and Canadian Cervid Industries. Deer Industry New Zealand Production Manager Tony Pearse was recently invited to provide an update to the banking community in NZ, refreshing them on the value and prospects for the Deer Industry in NZ. His report is...
  3. A

    Curtis Lloyd Canada sure has some big ones

    FYI: This sturgeon is still alive, just worn out from the fight. As the sports fishermen they are, they turned him loose after the photo. This Sturgeon was caught on the LAKE OF THE WOODS, KENORA, ONTARIO two weeks ago. It weighed out at over 1,000 lbs and measured out at 11'1". It...
  4. B

    Semen From Canada and Mex

    New to all of this, and had a question. Is it legal to bring semen in from Canada and/or Mexico? I have inquired with a couple of people, but no one had a sure answer. Hope this is the correct forum. Thanks
  5. Four Seasons Whitetails

    Us vs canada

    I dont want to start a border war cause i know we have great farmers and friends on both sides but what does everbody think about the hockey game tonite........Now be nice!!!!
  6. PaintedMeadowsBJs

    Bovine tuberculosis - canada: (manitoba) cervid

    BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS - CANADA: (MANITOBA) CERVID *********************************************** A ProMED-mail post < ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases < Date: Tue 20 Oct 2009 Source: USAgNet...