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  1. G

    New CWD cases found in Iowa in wild herd.

    (20,25,35);;12pxThey have found 2 positives out of 150 samples with 150 yet to test. There was also one found last year in this zone. That is almost twice the infection rate of the Brakke preserve, yet there is a bill in the Iowa legislature, right now, that wants the DNR to take Brakkes...
  2. T

    Iowa Judge Rules against IDALS Motion to Consolidate Brakke Cases

    From American Cervid Alliance Newspage Iowa Judge Rules against IDALS Motion to Consolidate Brakke Cases Iowa Assistant Attorney General to Inquire Constitutionality of CWD Standards Rationale Today, July 23, 2013, the Iowa Administrative Legal Judge ruled against a motion request by the...