
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. O

    How do you catch month old fawns to medicate them?

    We have some 3-5 week old fawns with swollen mouths (lumpy-jaw?) in the pens and they’re just too fast to catch to medicate. I don’t think it wise to dart them at this age. How do y’all catch these fast little things? Thanks! God Bless!
  2. L

    hard to catch

    I have a doe fawn that was born on the 15th I pulled her to bottle feed she does fine in the house and is eating great,I go to put her in a bigger pen she takes off running like a wild deer and wants nothing to do with ppl. Once I catch her she eats fine on the bottle, the pen she is in 20x40...
  3. D

    Apple Creek Scott might grow them big...but he can't catch them big!!!!

    While on a visit to Apple creek we took a little time to go samon fishing......well I hate to do this to ya Scott but must give credit where credit is due.....below is Scott with the one fish he caught....and the other picture is his mighty son Simon with one of the Many that he caught!!!!:D:D:eek:
  4. Four Seasons Whitetails

    First catch

    I need some help on this first catch paste?I gave the fawns one half of tube at birth and need to know if the next half is givin at 12 hr or 24hr after birth?? Thanks for any help!!!!!!
  5. ToddM

    Think the other side will catch up

    This buck started real early on the right side. Do you think the left will catch up?