
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    Want To Buy Seeking Certified Venison ElK Buffalo Producer

    Hi All, PTG here with BULK - bulkbeefjerky.com, we are a USDA smokehouse in Johnson City TX. We are seeking a certified ranch that can provide us with a monthly continuous supply for sausage and jerky. Please drop me an email [email protected]
  2. S

    For Sale Certified Deer Herd plus fencing/posts/gates/waterer in Pennsylvania

    For Sale: I have about 2 acres of 8 foot fence/posts (still up) with 6 large gates, Ritchie waterer and 6 deer soon to be 10. 3 -1 year old buck 1 -2 year old buck 2 young doe (each gave me 2 buck fawns this past year) email me if interested in starting a herd or adding to yours. All my...
  3. S

    For Sale Doe and 2 fawns for sale from Certified Herd

    I am wanting to sell my doe born 6/1/13 as well as her 2 fawns. She is a good mother to 2 doe fawns (included). They are from a fairly typical buck that went from a 138 to 204 from year 2-3. (photos available) She has great genetics (Big Heavy, Max DB, Bucky, Sunny, Big Guy) Very healthy...
  4. Rickjcr

    To test or not to test. T&B

    Have a small farm in western Pa. total of nine deer will be up for Brucellosis and Tuberculosis testing for the first time this fall. I will possibly have some decent bucks in the future but nothing spectacular. Looking for opinions. Is it worth keeping up the certifications?
  5. Freedom Whitetails

    looking for a certified herd in pa who ai's

    Contact me if this fits you. You can text me or email 814-312-7833 [email protected]