
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    Milk Replacer - Sportsman's Choice

    I was told that Sportsman's Choice is coming out with a milk replacer formula but I can't find a whole lot of information on it. Has anybody tried this yet? Would love to have some customer reviews.
  2. Antlershed

    Selling 50% Partnership Choice 2016 Yearling Off The Farm

    Freedom Whitetails built our 2014 breeding strategy around huge and proven pedigrees. We have 20 bred doe. We are selling a 50% partnership of choice 2015 buck fawn. Better yet you can choose as a yearling in 2016.  There will be a huge yearling from this group and I've priced this so we can...
  3. Rocky Top whitetails

    Jumbo Choice Fawn

    Auction ends Tonight, Someones going To get a Great Fawn, see attached link,name,172472,auction_id,auction_details
  4. Four Seasons Whitetails

    It seems we have a choice to make!

    I recieved an interesting email this morning asking if i would like to join a New Deer Forums!   Seems like its legit over there. No names as to who spearheaded this new site but i see many different options and the guys that dont like the idea of having to pay to list something on the site for...
  5. Wicked Whitetails

    Best up coming auctions to list choice fawn in?

    Looking for input on what auctions between now and fawning season would be the best to list a choice fawn in. I am thinking about selling choice fawn out of a doe bred to Texas Stitch and I was wondering what everyones experience was with which auctions brought them the best money and exposure...
  6. W

    Choice Breeder Buck!

    Whitetail Sales is selling choice Beyond Control son at the Ohio auction! We were fortunate to have High Roller Whitetails Beyond Control on our farm and ended up with four sons. This is an amazing lot with a choice of all four bucks including PayDay and Beyond Belief! PayDay was the third...
  7. A

    Choice bucks grown out

    Has anyone seen what Wilmar Martin's choice yearlings offered on the lot 79 of the Select 30 auction look like lately?
  8. U

    How many give free choice Baking Soda?

    How many give free choice baking soda along with other minerals to fawns to help them transition onto solid food?
  9. WillPenn Whitetails

    OK/MO Sale Consignment - Choice yearling out of Yardstick and Texas Tea's mom

    We have 3 lots for sale in this auction, but wanted to point out that the choice buck fawn we are selling out of Bambi Yardstick and Texas Tea's mother (Hannah) will be chosen after they grow out their yearling racks. These 2 buck fawns have already been DNA'd to Yardstick and Hannah. Lot...