
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. G

    Commercial deer breeding-Right or wrong?

    Hi all, Let me start by saying I am a die hard deer hunter, outdoorsman, fisherman, and spend most of my time involved in some sort of hunting or fishing related activitiy. If I'm not hunting then I'm thinking about it 365 days a year! I respect others opinions and understand we all may have...
  2. M

    New to the Commercial Cervid Farming Industry!

    Hey there! My name is Morgan and I am new to the industry this year. I started working with Marvelous Marci in the office at NADeFA mid-February. I grew up on a small farm in Ohio where we raised cows & pigs, so the farming community has always been near & DEER to me. (See what I did there?) I...
  3. ToddM

    Best Super Bowl Commercial - Dodge

    God made a farmer - Best one of all time!
  4. P

    commercial feed

    For those who feed a commercially available feed, which company/mix do you use? Thanks for your reply!
  5. S

    Wisconsin Commercial Deer & Elk Farmers Association

    The 20th Anniversary of the Wisconsin Commercial Deer & Elk Farmers Association's Annual Convention will be held February 3-5, 2012 in Wausau, WI. We are accepting donations at this time. Are there state associations that would donate a one(1) year membership to our event or any other item...
  6. S

    Wisconsin Commercial Deer & Elk Farmers Association's Annual Fundraiser

    We have received some awesome donations for WCDEFA's annual fundraiser which is being held on February 25-26th in Wausau, WI. For all you Packer fans, we have several great items. To view some of these items, please go to, under benefit auctions. Shelly Burns WCDEFA...