
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Rocky Top whitetails

    Common Sense

    i thought some Humor is due ;)  :)   a while back i made a coment on here that common sense died, this is where i got it from.    
  2. G

    Finally a common sense writer.

    This was published in a Wisconsin paper. At last, a writer that show some common sense, and is not spouting the DNR's lies and half-truths. Maybe the tide is turning?????? The scorched earth policy of the DNR is finally getting scrutinized. With the DNR sharpshooters going in and killing all...
  3. W

    Common misconception to those looking to get into this industry...your experience?

    I think there's a common misconception with new deer farmers or those looking to get into the 'business'. This being, that if you cross a super buck like Rolls Royce, to a super doe (let's say one out of Maxbo Hardcore), that any buck out of that combo will be what you expect it to be...