
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. SJames

    Top 30 Consignments

    I Thought I would plug my top 30 consignments. I was never one to follow all the hype and trends of the industry. My goal has been to produce huge pretty shooters at the age of 2 on a consistent basis. I think this consignment is an offering of this type of genetics. Payday is my favorite 2 year...
  2. M

    Midwest Select consignments Due

    Hey guys consignments are due for this years Midwest Select Sale, we had a great sale last year and were getting some great lots in already for February's sale.  You can Fax them to me at 660-754-5053 or email them to [email protected]   You can go to our website...
  3. B

    Buckeye Fall Auctions Consignments due this week

    Just a reminder that the consignments for the Buckeye Fall Breeder Auction are due this week. Go to for more info.
  4. A

    Tot 30 Consignments on Whitetail Exchange

    "1 Straw Flees Poncho - UNRESTRICTED" 509" X-Factor Semen First Straw ever offered from PEACOCK RANGER 1 Sraw of The Famous Texas Stickers LIVE ANIMAL (Pennsylvania) CHOICE MAXBO SELECT/"TRIPLE XXX" (MAXBO XL) BUCK OR DOE FAWN LIVE ANIMAL (Pennsylvania) Double BJ Doe LIVE...
  5. M

    Midwest Select Consignments are due by Nov. 20th, 2010

    The 2011 Midwest Select is just around the corner. Please have your consignments in by the 20th of November. We will have the consignments juried by Dec 1st, 2010. We are looking for another great Midwest Select Auction again this year. Remember the deadline for your quality consignments are due...
  6. W

    Check out Whitetail Exchange - 400 Consignments!!!

    To be honest, I never thought I would see the day when we hit 400 consignments at one time on Whitetail Exchange. However, that day is here. Right now there are exactly 400. THANK YOU to all of our great customers! Don't forget, the Timber Hollow Production Sale items start going off next...