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  1. C

    Fawn with frothy cough

    I have a fawn that has really been just on and off sick since about the time we let her out to her new pen after weaning. Right now, when she coughs, she coughs up a frothy substance, runny mucus nose and has always been small. Could this just be pneumonia, allergies (if the have it?) We have...
  2. D

    Fawns with Cough

    I have 2 buck fawns that are a month old that are coughing have search and seen what people say to do with fawns that can be caught but what do you do with the ones that cant be caught? thanks
  3. D

    Smokers cough

    I have a doe that sounds like she has been smoking for 20 years no other signs of anything just a cough Eats/drinks good feeding a mix feed and chaffhaye no drainage from nose/mouth eyes look good and she looks to be in perfect health any ideas ? Thanks
  4. D


    I have a buck fawn that was a runt and I had him on IV for three days after birth or he would have died. Now he eats, drinks, everything just fine. When he is jumping, running, and playing around and starts breathing harder he puts his head down and coughs. Sounds like he coughs flem up, but I...
  5. ohdeer

    Coughing buck- Not Pneumonia cough- Help!

    Hello, I am posting for a friend of ours. He has a two year old buck that began coughing about a month and a half ago. It does not seem like a pneumonia cough. It is not getting any better or any worse. They began with good doses of Biomycin, there was no change, went to draxxin, dewormed with...
  6. D

    Doe with cough and has yellow mucus drainage

    Have a two year old doe that is dog tame. She has a cough and has yellow drainage out of her nose i have wormed her with Noromectin and safe guard pellets and tryed pour on. and give her a shot of baytril,deximethisone,la200.She is a little thin she also lost her fawn it was her first it was...