
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. A

    Robbie Peterson, Fawn Country Inc. And The Gift

    Just wanted to thank Robbie and Brad Peterson and Maggie Saia from Fawn Country Inc. Last week we had the gift of Fawn Country spending a week consulting Apple Creek Whitetails on bottle feeding. The learning that took place will save countless future fawns throughout the deer industry. The...
  2. B

    Bluff Country Whitetails "Total Package"

    Thank you to all that have had interest in this buck! With more thought, we have decided to hold on to him and continue breeding him, with high hopes he will get much bigger in the next year or two. We truly feel fortunate to have him in our pen and be able to look at him daily! We have...
  3. A

    Boone and crockett country

    I woke up this morning to BOONE AND CROCKETT COUNTRY. I thought I was seeing Charly but after a closer look I noticed it was Shane Mahoney. There was nothing positive, on this program, for the captive cervid industry. They're making their plea now, to the public, because they know the time...
  4. clay

    Check out the White Tagged Does at Trace Country Whitetails

    I was out taking some pictures in the snow and I found it funny that all my white tag does were proven so I thought I'd share them with you guys.
  5. M

    For those going through hard times on the farm and those serving our country I work with the Uncle of the base player for Reckless Mercy. He is a crew chief on a Chinook helicopter and has served for 14 years in the US army.
  6. clay

    Trace country whitetails max force

    trace country whitetails max force @3 7-21
  7. J

    A big thank you to rough country whitetails

    I just wanted to put out a public thank you to Randy @ Rough Country Whitetails . Randy allowed me to come down and ckeck out his farm , and ask some of my many :) questions . Class A guy . Thanks Randy . Jamie
  8. A

    Robbie Peterson, Fawn Country Inc. and the Gift

    Just wanted to thank Robbie and Brad Peterson and Maggie Saia from Fawn Country Inc. Last week we had the gift of Fawn Country spending a week consulting Apple Creek Whitetails on bottle feeding. The learning that took place will save countless future fawns throughout the deer industry. The...