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  1. W

    CWD whitetails

    How is deer farming affected by CWD affected counties? Out of state marketing? Sales of live deer? Sales of venison? Sales of scents?
  2. M

    CWD testing question

    Had a question form while I was cruising down the road this weekend. Maybe you all can help me with the answer before I have to do a ton of Google searches. Why have states chosen to hunt live deer rather than test the animals killed on roadways?
  3. SouthernEmpireWhitetails

    CWD assistance

    Greetings fellow deer breeders and preserve owners. I am a deer breeder in Alabama and as all of us are aware we are under fire by the state regarding the CWD issue. As close border states have cases of positive CWD Deer the across hairs are now on Alabama. I have been in contact with several...
  4. A

    What if the deer you harvest has CWD

    I read an article from Missouri Conservation Dept about Chronic Wasting Disease in MO deer. My question is, If a deer with CWD is harvested and eaten by humans can we be effected by this? Can harmful chemicals in the environment (air pollution) move through the food chain to humans?
  5. S

    why isnt anyone talking about the new findings with CWD

    Im shocked that NO ONE is talking about the new findings dealing with CWD! I've been looking everywhere and I cant find Dr. Bastain has discovered that DOXYCYCLINE STOPS PRION PROTEIN INFECTIONS!!!! Not Exactly what this means but I'm thinking it means CWD is caused by a Bacteria and can be...
  6. J

    CWD in Montana?

    Hello Experienced Farmers, I have a question and wonder if anybody has any thoughts about this tame wild buck fawn. Here is the story: Last June a ladyfriend in Montana, Plains area, found a buckfawn wrapped up in barbwire on her property (pine woods mostly). Had no clue about anything...
  7. A

    Guess the head chopping begins, First case of CWD in Arkansas

    Been waiting for this one. Hate to say it ,but glad it's here,LOL  
  8. Bell

    What are your thoughts on this CWD Article
  9. Deep Rooted Whitetails

    New case of CWD in PA

    Just heard from a fellow deer farmer about a possible new case of CWD in south central or south eastern pa. Anybody else hear about it?? Hope it ain't true
  10. Jack

    CWD testing requirements

    It was just getting my goat today on what we have to test on the CWD program.  A thought just came to me about this.  My question is why do we have to test any more that the State we live in.  We should not have to test any more than the DNR does.  If 1 or 2 percent is good enough for them it...
  11. ToddM

    CWD Found in Michigan

    It was just announced that a WILD deer has tested positive for CWD in Michigan.  Ingham County, the same county as our states capitol is where it was found.  Who will all the radicals have to blame on this one?  Michigan residents will be saddened that they cant blame deer farmers this time.  ...
  12. Bell

    Where are the thousands of deer that have died from CWD?

    This article needs a response from the ACA...
  13. M

    CWD found in Virginia where there's no deer farms!

    Who they gonna blame now! CWD is confirmed in the wild herds of Virginia! I guess this may bring some light to transportation of wild carcasses across state lines from known cwd areas! I wonder how bad it is with as little as The DNR actually test this could be huge! 3 New Cases of Chronic...
  14. T

    Laurie Seale: Wait for live CWD test before adding elk

    From the American Cervid Alliance News Room:   Laurie Seale: Wait for live CWD test before adding elk Wisconsin State Journal Opinion January 25, 2015 By LAURIE SEALE GILMAN — Wisconsin discovered chronic wasting disease in free-ranging deer over a decade ago. Since then, the...
  15. G

    New CWD cases found in Iowa in wild herd.

    (20,25,35);;12pxThey have found 2 positives out of 150 samples with 150 yet to test. There was also one found last year in this zone. That is almost twice the infection rate of the Brakke preserve, yet there is a bill in the Iowa legislature, right now, that wants the DNR to take Brakkes...
  16. Russell

    Vaccine for CWD

    It appears that NYU School of Medicine has developed a vaccine for CWD.   For more information, see this article.   However, the article also contains a bunch of BS ... "CWD afflicts as much as 100 percent of North America's captive deer population, as well as large numbers of other...
  17. T

    "Spiderweb" CWD Quarantines Continue for Whitetail Farmers

    16pt 12pxFrom the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom   "Spiderweb" CWD Quarantines Continue for Whitetail Farmers   Possible Protocol Relief in Future   AYR, NE- The number of quarantined deer farms has grown since this summer due to Chronic Wasting Disease being discovered on additional...
  18. S

    Using "Scrapie" instead of CWD ?

    Would this simple change in rhetoric re empower deer farming? It appears more & more likely that scrapie was the precursor to CWD so why not call it what it is & stop the other interests deflecting their responsibility onto the scapegoat.   Sharkey
  19. D

    CWD now being compared to Ebola by NC qdmrs. Just uneducated can it get.

    Two weeks ago at a public hearing at the Nc wildlife commission building it was a sob story and violin playing scene. It was a public hearing and the wildlife federation/camo coalition bunch and questionable deer management bunch were cramming the room. Non brought any science or research facts...
  20. D

    Update,Lice CWD test and CWD vaccine testing info video

    Good afternoon all, Im attaching a link for some of you to see some of the video on new vaccine testing. This is a follow up to a earlier one.    Go to          PS Sorry for the misspell in the heading I meant live not