
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. Bell

    Damaged Antler?

    When a buck sustains major damage to one side of its antler early on in a growing season,I believe the undamaged side will grow much larger than it would have because the majority of the blood flow is now going into that side. I have serious doubts when I see a buck with a damaged small side...
  2. G

    Damaged Will it grow next year?

    Yearling buck decided to rip out his pedical instead of rub off his velvet! Will he grow at all? Will he look remotely like a buck or just a glob? Any thoughts?
  3. D

    Yearling damaged rack

    My yearling buck skinned his left side from his brow to his g2 about 3 inches have seen wild bucks that have done worse damage with no problem and finish growing out should I leave it alone and just keep an eye on it or should I knock him down and do something to it if so what would you do thanks
  4. A

    Split, damaged hoof pad

    Hey guys! I have a really tame pregnant doe, Deedee, that has what appears to be splintered hoof pads. Both of her front hooves have "chips" out of the backs of them. About a week ago we had a thaw in the winter weather and then it re-froze, forming a hard crust. One of the other doe chases...
  5. K

    Hardcore Extreme @ 2 damaged left side

    Hardcore/Climax mother
  6. T

    Damaged Antler

    We have a yearling buck who has opened his antler on the inside. There is some bleeding has this stopped the growing of the antler? We put some wound powder on it to help clot the blood. Should we do anything else?:(
  7. T

    damaged anter

    My buck hit his antlers on something last night and screwed up one point. I cant tell if he hit it hard enough that it split open or if flys and something are in there but it looks like a circle. Just wondering if there is anything to do to prevent infection and other problems.
  8. S

    Repair of damaged antler

    I just got this on the old board in time to have this new one take over so I will post it here also. I guess the time is coming for the velvet horns and damages that come with them. I thought I would share pics of the repair I did on one of my three yr. olds , Trudeaux last year. He got crowded...