
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. T

    Does the CWD Standards Go Above and Beyond the Federal Rule? You Decide!!

    A New Chart Compares Industry Concerns with Rule and Standards Language In an effort to clear confusion regarding concerns voiced from the cervid industry and whether they exceed the intent of the Federal CWD Rule, the ACA recently completed a breakdown of several of the concerns. A new...
  2. T

    Federal CWD Rule & Standards-- love it or leave it? You decide!

    Federal CWD Rule and Standards-- love it or leave it? You decide! As we watch our neighbors deal with turmoil regarding cwd policy we have to ask ourselves why are we dealing with this and what do we hope to accomplish? In regard to the federal rule and specifically the program...
  3. C

    Can't Decide

    Can’t decide! Per4mance Whitetail Designs has helped some of you give your farms and ranches a fresh face. We have created new logos and Magazine layouts and have helped you all with some creative affordable marketing to give your herd a boost. We have enjoyed working with you all and...
  4. richie0033

    How do you decide?

    With so many big deer this year, how do you decide on which one? It's seems like this year there is a bumper crop of huge deer. I was just wondering how others decide on which one to use.