
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. K

    5 month old doe fawn with diarreah

    Hello, well our first baby is sick! She up until now has been very healty with no problems at all. Two days ago i notices she didnt come running to meet me. Went and found her laying down and she didnt really want to get up. She did nose shiny hair not broistled out but just looked like she...
  2. K

    5 month old doe fawn with diarreah

    Hello, well our first baby is sick! She up until now has been very healty with no problems at all. Two days ago i notices she didnt come running to meet me. Went and found her laying down and she didnt really want to get up. She did nose shiny hair not broistled out but just looked like she...
  3. toddhoeffel

    Doe with chronic diarreah

    Hi guy's, I've searched a bunch of old forums looking for clues but can't find anything. I'd like your input... I've had a particular doe that I bought a couple years ago that has had terrible diarreah ever since I've had her, and I guess the previous owner noticed it too. I always switch...
  4. H

    Fawn Diarreah

    Hello everyone: I have two fawns with diarreah that I simply cannot get under control. My most recent attempt was with a non medicated scour product made for calves from Tractor Supply. It is a four day treatment with the first two days nothing but the product (which is essentially...
  5. H


    Hello Everyone: We are bottle raising two of our buck fawns that were abandoned by their mother. Prior to starting on the bottle, the one had perfect bowel movements and the other one came out as a soft clump, but not diarreah. Since that time, their bowel movements became softer and softer...