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  1. D


    Please help weak or so fawn found on side of road blood on nose took him home cleaned him up. has been fine for 5 days now blackish greenish Diarrhea reduced amount of replacer also have been mixing yogurt. he was doing great someone said try Corid. anyone tell me proper procedures mixing and...
  2. S

    baytril for mule deer orally

    Hi , I have a 3 year old mule deer doe that I raised , she has come down with diarrhea for some reason . She is not penned & has 2 fawns that are almost 4 mo. old . I gave her a shot of 7 way a little while ago & 5 cc . Baytril under the skin . My question is would it be safe to give her 3...
  3. A

    2019 model doe diarrhea

    I have a first time mother, she developed diarrhea in her last month of pregnancy. Delivered her offspring, diarrhea cleared. Now it seems to be slightly back again. We are bottle feeding the fawn at this time so she has nothing latching on to her unless other fawns in the pen are. she was...
  4. B

    Fawn with diarrhea

    Hey there. We’re new to this and looking for a little advice. We are bottle feeding two fawns right now. Almost a week old. One is doing great, but the other one has been having diarrhea issues. I’ve tried adding pumpkin to her bottle, giving her electrolytes and probiotics but that doesn’t seem...
  5. S

    6 month old fawn diarrhea help

    Hi there! I am on here asking for a friend. They have a 6 month old fawn. Never had any issues at all. He got an infection in his ear tag and was given a shot of Duraxin. 24 hours later he ended up with uncontrollable diarrhea with slight bits of blood and mucous in it. He was still drinking...
  6. W

    Is there a medication that can be darted for diarrhea in a fawn

    We are giving corid but need to stop the diarrhea ASAP. She is super fast so catching her doesn’t seem to be an option! Thanks
  7. N

    New farmer with 5 day old fawn with diarrhea, help!

    Hey everyone. I’m new to this forum and desperate for answers/tips. My boyfriend and I are new to deer farming. We just had our first fawns ever on the 21st. This was the mother’s first pregnancy and we were not expecting her to have twins, she also had them about a week early. She had them...
  8. A

    Bottle fed with diarrhea

    I have a bottle fed fawn, who is completely weaned now. She has had diarrhea for probably 2-3 months off and on. It ranges from green - dark brown/black. I've given her SMZ, tablets and liquid. Corrid in water. Probiotics and fawn paste. And just had her on Aueromycin in the feed for 3 days...
  9. T

    Smelly gray diarrhea spreading in rehab fawns

    Hello all! I’m new here but came because a good friend of mine who also rehabs fawns in Texas was getting good feedback. We deal with just about everything you can deal with but are always learning and improving. I have a 4 week old fawn that is dying. Started off refusing bottles and is...
  10. R

    Fawn not eating and developed diarrhea

    I just wanted to put this on here just Incase someone has the same problem as me. The only thing I kept coming across on here was cocci, ecoli, or salmonella. My 3 week old fawns appetite started decreasing and she wasn’t running around playful like usual. I knew something was up. She finally...
  11. R

    Fawn with diarrhea

    We are bottle feeding 3 buck fawns currently and we are having issues with diarrhea. We have been using red top milk and yesterday added goats milk for calories. These fawns are almost 2 weeks old. Buck 1 has had it for ~5 days. Initially there was a small amount of blood in the stool and he was...
  12. W

    Wildlife rehabber, fawns with diarrhea

    Hi all, I've been reading through posts and am so happy to find such great info. I'm hoping for some help with my fawns. I'm a regabber in Oregon, this year I have 12 fawns they are all weaned now and eating well. I have been battling with diarrhea with three of my babies for 3 weeks now, I have...
  13. S

    Adult bucks with diarrhea and lost a yearling... HEEEELLLPPP!

    Alittle back story... I "acquired" two adult bucks (7 years and 4 years) from a bad situation. Poor nutrition(they were being fed corn and apples), lack of worming protocol, etc... It was an emergency situation so they were transferred in (up to date on TB testing) and quarantined. They came in...
  14. P

    3 week old fawn with diarrhea due to antibiotics

    We have a three week old fawn that the ear tag got caught in something and tore it's ear really bad. Had bad infection by the time we found it. Got it in and gave antibiotics. Feeding goats milk, 6 0z four times a day. Did give electrolytes in milk twice. Stool went to water. Still that...
  15. D

    Doe with Bad Diarrhea!!!!!!!

    I have a doe that has liquid diarrhea. She is fine, eating well, no weight loss ....but obviously something is wrong. I had a sick doe a week ago....limed her pen, cleaned everything out, then let the other doe's in.....worried maybe she picked something up. Took her stool sample to the...
  16. J

    stopped talking bottle, diarrhea

    I have a 3 month old fawn that has recently abruptly stopped talking a bottle, at the same time she developed diarrhea and seems more lethargic than usual. She will eat some other foods and will drink water but not with the gusto she did a few days ago. Mostly will only take some fruit we offer...
  17. T

    cronic diarrhea

    I have a fawn that from the time she was very young we have been battling diarrhea with her. Back in December she had it and I treated her with an oral antibiotic that I had in my medicine cabinet for the deer. That worked and she got better but only for about a week, then I treated her with...
  18. J

    Doe with diarrhea

    I have a bred doe that has has pretty loose stools for the last couple weeks and am beginning to wonder whether I need to do something. She always has a little on her tail and back of legs. Its not total water looking, just loose. She is eating and drinking fine, acting normal so I have just...
  19. K

    How to stop diarrhea?

    Our fawn's having diarrhea lately, and, we're not sure exactly what's causing it. He's bottle fed, on 4oz. 2oz concentrated goats milk, 2oz water for diluting it, which is SUPPOSED to help prevent Diarrhea.... What's up with this? And...In case anyone needs to know, color is ranging from light...
  20. J

    Severe Diarrhea

    We have a year old doe with severe diarrhea. She's had it off and on for a couple months, but this weekend it's extremely runny. We backed off on her grain mix a week or so ago and got her some alfalfa/hay mix. She's not crazy about the hay so she hasn't eaten much. She will eat leaves, grass...