
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. B

    Permethrin Direct Application?

    We've started to have some issues with gnats, flies, etc. Just curious... can you direct apply permethrin to a doe with a pump up sprayer for some relief? I know you can spray pens but was unsure if you can directly apply it to a deer. Thanks for any anticipated help!
  2. alpha and omega whitetail

    Mule Deer Semen (Adam, a direct Needles son)

    Rocky Ridge Whitetails has purchased there first mule deer in March 2016. They have purchased there first breeder buck and does from Cedar Break Ranch and the buck pictured is Adam @ 2. Adam has blossom into one of the biggest and most beautiful clean typical 2 year old mule deer ever on...
  3. Freedom Whitetails

    Looking for direct Bj or Sundance daughters

    Im looking for a direct bj or sundance daughter in or near pa
  4. South Alabama Whitetails

    Alabama live breeding to direct gladiator son

    Typical 200 plus inch with a drop tine. Offering live breeding of five does. If you are interested, call me at the number below. $750.
  5. A

    Direct Hit

    "Direct Hit" at Advantage Whitetails has better tine length this year to go with the incredible spread. Amazing to watch this rack develop. 
  6. T

    Direct Link to Dr Davis' Indy Star Article

    16pt 12pxFrom the American Cervid Alliance Newsroom   "Deer Farming Not a Threat to Wild Population"   14ptAccurate Deer Farming Facts Hit the Indy Star   AYR, NE- Please click the link below to view an article written by Dr. Don Davis that was recently published in the IndyStar...