
Deer Farmer Forum

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  1. M

    Drug Dosages

    Is there a list of the dosage for drugs on this site or is everyone using the same dosages as sheep/goats?
  2. R

    Drug for making bucks lose there antlers

    Anyone recall the name of the drug used to make bucks drop there antlers thanks in advance
  3. R

    Tranquilizer drug

    I will be needing to knock out my does to AI. What drugs do you recommend to use and reversal? Thanks
  4. W

    Fawn compaired to DRUG bust !

    Last week a fawn housed at the St Francis no kill shelter was taken and killed by 9 armed DNR agents and 4 armed deputy sheriffs. The DNR compaired this raid to that of a drug raid with the use of 13 armed men to confiscate and kill one baby deer ! Whats next for Gods sake ??
  5. R

    New drug forced antler drop

    hello. does anyone know the name of the drug used to force antler drop? I heard this was out any info? this will be great when its time to join the bucks back together you will not have to cut the antlers off or wait till they shed. thanks
  6. D

    Drug ?

    My father in law gave me a 50lb bag of Aureomycin Crumbles Chlortetracycline type C Medicated feed My ? is can i top dress the deer feed with this or is it useless when would you use it is it safe for bred Does Thanks
  7. R

    Knock down drug

    I'm new to this business and have never knocked down a deer before. I'm going to have to next week and need some advice on what to use and how much and also what to use to reverse it.
  8. Jack

    Drug induced shock

    Thirty years in this business and I just had a new situation show up. Treated a doe fawn for pneumonia with LA-200 (oxytetracyline) The fawn walked about thirty yards away and fell over. Eyes rolled up in it's head and it started to do the moon walk on it's side. Respiration was very fast...
  9. D

    Dassy still looking for strait answer amount of drug

    I have a 5ml bottle of telazol. I have been putting 8CCs of xylazine in the bottle. I use 2CCs to trank bucks 1.5CCs for does. My question would it be safe to possibly put 10 or 12 CCs of xylazine in the bottle use the same amount of CCs I am using now with no danger to my animals with same...
  10. D

    Drug for loose adult doe

    I have a 2 year old doe that has watery stool. She has been wormed with fenbenasal (sp) in feed and then again in 20 days. I put corid in water. Tried salumal (sp) in water, but they will not drink it put some jello in with it, but that did'nt work. took a stool sample to vet and came back...
  11. PaintedMeadowsBJs

    Veterinary drug list and uses

    http://www.drugs.com/vet-a-to-z-treatment-list.html Do not over use drugs because you paid $300. a bottle please only use what is necessary to fix the problem...Or we will not have these drugs to use when we really need them. Make sure you keep on the Vet website...It will take to to the...