has anyone had a problem with deer being "drugged" up if given too much medicine
i treated a doe yesterday for mites and was instructed by a vet to give her 5cc dex and 4cc of ivomec (plus some pour on)...today, she's a little wobbly
any ideas?
What have you found to be the best way to approach your vet about getting immobilization drugs such as Xylazine etc.Have you found most Vets. are reluctant to sell their clients contolled substances knowing that the client may not know how to properly use them and then get blamed (or sued) when...
Well just as every usually goes I have to move a buck sunday and as of about 5 min ago I have no drugs. My friend that does my darting just called and I found out he doesnt have enough drugs to dart my buck. Worst part is we called vet and he is not in and the ladies at the vet cant place an...
On the back of a telazal box says when mix it is good for 14 days. Is that when mixed with sterile water or do you get more time when mixed with sterile water.How much time do you have when mixed with 100mg xylazen (sp), befor it is ineffective.
As all of you know how much telazol is I have a question. I have been using 8cc of xylazine put in mixed into my telazol. I use 2 cc then to trank my bucks they go out like a light. It seems like a waste because I am not getting a full bottle when mixed. My question is how many cc do you put in...