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  1. F

    Help week old Fawn.

    Help Fawn has hard ears! Hi, I have taken in an abandoned Fawn that is now about two weeks old. She was touch an go at first but now she seems to be doing much better. She is eating and walks around just fine but recently I have noticed that her ears are not only curling but are hard and seem...
  2. B

    Fawn with infected ear from tag

    I have a 30 day old fawn, with a infected ear, appears to be from tag. Deer appears to be in good health, still feeding from its mother. Noticed under ear, and ear swollen, puss coming from inside ear. Manage to sneak up on fawn last night, and catch it. I cut ear tag off, Cut a spot under...
  3. S

    840 EID EAR Tags

    Were is the best place to buy the 840 ID ear tags since the PA DEPT OF AG. no longer has them?   Thanks
  4. D

    Ear Tags

    Does anyone use the metal State ID tags? I need help. I put them in the bottom last yr and i'll just say they didn't grow out with the ear as i would have thought. Should they go in the TOP side of the ear vs the bottom? Does the top not grow as much? Did i not leave enough space?
  5. South Alabama Whitetails

    Bugs in one year olds ear

    I have a one year old that has a lot of small black bugs in one ear. When you put your finger down in the ear you get bugs and a small amount of blood. Any idea what this is or how to treat her?
  6. B

    ear tags, what do hunters think?

    I am going to assume that most bucks that are sold as shooters either have an ear tag or will have to have an ear tag when they are transported from the farm to the hunting preserve. My question is how do most hunting clients react to their trophy when they see an old ear tag hole in their...
  7. C

    Help - Fawn doe with droopy ear and tongue

    I have a doe fawn who is underweight and has droopy ear (ear with tag) and to ingle hanging out. I darted her and didn't find any kind of an absess or any other abnormality. We have given her two doses of draxxin and dex and she remains the same. She doesn't appear lathargic and appears...
  8. E

    Help!! We tran'q buck for antler issue now he has 1 droopy ear???

    we r very new to deer farming, we only have one buck, we had to put him down and clean up an antler that he damaged. He started rubbing, then just stopped, he broke a kicker that was flopping for the last few days....today when we seen flies bothering him and fly eggs...we decided to take him...
  9. C

    Bump under ear

    What would you guys think this bump under his ear is?
  10. richie0033

    Permethrin Ear Tags??

    Has anyone ever used the permethrin ear tags on deer ? Was thinking of putting them in the deers ear through EHD season. Wonder if it would help..Or should I just spray permethrin on the deer? Was thinking of putting it on my bottlefed fawns to see if it would help through the ehd season
  11. G

    Ear Infection in Fawns

    I have lost 3 fawns in the last week and a half. I have never had this problem before in the last 8 years of raising deer. The problem seems to be heat related and the ear tags getting infected. When we tag our fawns we always put Neosporin topical ointment on the spike of the tag and tag closer...
  12. B

    Ear Tag Chewing

    We have been having problems with our deer chewing on each others ear tags and chewing up to the point where they are unreadable. Does anyone have any experience with this and have any advice for us to get them to stop doing this? Thank you
  13. zmcgill

    Irritated Ear

    Anyone else have any problems lit this? Only one young doe has this problem. this stared out when she lost the hair inside both ears, and it was red and irritated. As you can see now, continued irritation due flies/insects. Unsuccessfully attempted to get some permethrin sprayed on her...
  14. I

    Ear Tags

    Wondering what brands/type/size of ear tags seem to be the most problem free? Please share your opinion, Thanks for your help.
  15. C

    Ear width

    What is the width from tip to tip on ears on a 4 year old buck. Thanks ! Charlie
  16. H

    fawn with ripped ear

    we have a 4 week old fawn buck on mother with ripped ear and swollen . what would be the best to trank him with ( we are going to try and catch it first , that should be fun) . and what amount of meds can these little boys take thanks Ed
  17. F

    Ear Tags

    I need to order ear tags. The deer chew on them, and some of the tags are showing wear. My plan is to use the metal wrap around tags and retag the ones who have ratty plastic ones so we can stay compliant and then when (and I say when!) they lose one they'll have a spare. Has anyone else...
  18. D

    Nursing doe w/ infection under ear

    I've got a nursing doe who has a large lump under her ear the size of a softball. I felt it tonight and it's hot to the touch. We darted her with 2 cc of LA 200. I didn't want to hit her with our large 3cc darts because she's so tiny....only 120 lbs. max. What to do? I have penecillin, Nuflor...
  19. H

    Ear tags

    Hello Everyone: I am looking to change the ear tags I have been using. I was looking at the Allflex Global two piece tags with the Global Retract-o-matic applicator. Does anyone use this combination? I have been using a one piece style tag with an applicator where the pin flips out as...
  20. R

    Droopy ear

    I noticed one of our 2 y/o doe's was not acting right this morning. Her left ear is drooped down and unless I try to walk up on her, she just stands there with her head down. Seem's odd. She looks healthy and has no other noticable issue's. Has anyone delt with this? Am I over thinking it?